DAM for Education

Dedicated to defining the future of DAM in your industry


DAM for Higher Education

April 28, 1.15 PM EDT

The issue:
Colleges and universities - and K - 12 public and private schools alike - make use of digital assets in countless ways. Sometimes, these digital assets are held in a DAM system but there are many occasions when the assets (and metadata) are not formally managed. But we know the assets are there...

In this panel:

  • We hear the insights of leaders in the educational and vendor community who immerse themselves, every day, in the innovative development and use of Digital Asset Management. 
  • Members share their experiences around the daily building blocks of DAM such as:
    • Metadata development
    • Tagging and workflows
    • The ongoing work for institutional adoption and governance

The Takeaways:
Whether your assets are marketing materials, video from sports events, lectures from visiting speakers, course content material or museum holdings, DAM can play a pivotal role. COVID has put the need for online educational excellence under an intense spotlight - learn how DAM can help provide solutions to this urgent challenge.


April 28, 2021

An Online Event