DAM and Museums




“What’s in it for Me?” DAM Training and Onboarding Case Study at the Detroit Institute of Arts

February 10, 4.00 PM
Do you have a new DAM system, or have you made upgrades you need to roll out? 
Do you, like the rest of us, face challenges in keeping users engaged? 
This session will drill into DAM at the Detroit Institute of Arts using it as a case study of comprehensive training and user engagement. 
Discuss what was done, hear ideas and get tips for: 
  • Onboarding users of different types 
  • Connecting with users in ways that endure 
  • Iterating the ecosystem using knowledge gleaned from your DAM user data. 

Session in collaboration with MCN


An online event

What others say

HS DAM events wrangle an incredible amount of information into clear, managed presentations - facilitating one of the best virtual events I've been in. I continue to learn something new each and every session. 

Nick Makansi
UNC Charlotte

HS DAM events has set the bar for virtual conferences! Live sessions, engaging polls and questions boxes, chats with attendees, and virtual contests for swag...I don't know how a virtual conference could be more awesome! I look forward to this conference every year and the team at HS never disappoints!

Nicole Burgess
Robert Half

HS DAM events provide me with an opportunity to learn, develop, promote and understand all there is to know about DAM, I have been able to truly connnect with DAM professionals who have helped me be successful in my own DAM journey.

Lynette Conlon
Tourism NI