Creative Operations now has more choices.
One of very few benefits bestowed by the past 12 months is that we now are all able to break free of traditional ways of working.
Whether it’s:
- Where we work (geography, home vs. office, agency vs. inhouse)
- How we work (contract vs. no contract, freelance vs. employee, long vs. short term),
Creative operations can now be reinvented.
We have the expanded opportunity to access different combinations of resources from the worldwide economy to create virtual global teams. We can be super-efficient using the best people, tools and methods, unrestrained by offices and vendors. 'Distributed' expertise can unlock the contributions of new talent, additional resources and greater efficiency. This is the new frontier.
But, perhaps it’s not that simple? The panel will discuss - and answer your questions.
Planned objectives and takeaways:
- The potential benefits of ‘distributed working environments’ (DWEs) and how they can be integrated within the wider context of ‘Creative Operations’
- The pros and cons of the many new models of ‘Creative Operations’ compared with the ‘traditional’ expert agency and ‘inhouse’ agency approaches