Navi Singh is Senior Manager, Operations-Influencer Program at Wish. Navi has been in creative operations for years and started out her career by setting up PMO and creative operations teams at Hotwire and then at eBay. Navi, who started in scrum, brings a unique perspective to creative operations by using agile methodologies to not only manage the work but manage stakeholders as well. Navi has also navigated her career while becoming a mom and brings a unique perspective on how to juggle careers and being a mother.
What others say
HS Creative Operations events are not only insightful, but a great way to connect and network!
HS Creative Operations was a great chance to see people in person again, focus my attention on the presentations, and see how other agencies are tackling today's issues.
It was so easy to connect with the presenters - having some one-on-one time with them where I could ask specific questions was incredible!