
Jason Hemerka

Creative Operations Lead

Hinge Health

Jason Hemerka is a Senior Creative Operations Lead at Hinge Health, where he is currently scaling the Growth Creative team while developing key prioritization strategies to support growth marketing programs. With well over a decade of experience ranging from small and large ad agencies, such as Crispin Porter Bogusky, to startups and big tech, Jason honed his skills at companies like Apple, where he led marketing projects for Apple Music, and at Lyft, where he helped build and scale their first Growth Creative team. He is a Philadelphia-area native, baseball enthusiast and can be found riding motorcycles on the weekends.

What others say

The HS Creative Production event introduced me to new ideas and the suppliers who could help bring them to life.

Claire Piipponen

Creative Production provided a great platform for learning, exchanging ideas and networking.

James Levin
Stony Brook University

HS Creative Production events provide me with the opportunity to meet creative minds from different fields, facing similar everyday working process realities.

Robert Kot