
Phil Maggs

Director of Generative AI Excellence


Phil Maggs is the Director of Generative AI Excellence at Superside, focused on advancing the company’s generative AI capabilities. He has played a key role in building and developing AI service offerings, leading over 1,000 projects to date. Phil is now focused on refining these solutions and driving further innovation in the space. With 20+ years of experience, Phil has worked with major brands such as Netflix, Google, IBM, and Rolls Royce.

What others say

The HS Creative Production event introduced me to new ideas and the suppliers who could help bring them to life.

Claire Piipponen

Creative Production provided a great platform for learning, exchanging ideas and networking.

James Levin
Stony Brook University

HS Creative Production events provide me with the opportunity to meet creative minds from different fields, facing similar everyday working process realities.

Robert Kot