Company requirements and structures are constantly evolving so how do you ensure that the DAM:
- Reflects the evolution and changes?
- Is brought up-to-scratch to be useful and relevant for all users?
- Works for new joiners at the organisation? (How do you ensure that new joiners are introduced to the DAM?).
Jacqueline Yu is the DAM Application Owner at Canon EMEA and understands why regular DAM procedure reviews are of paramount importance for the success of the DAM. She will share important lessons on simplifying and updating the DAM’s many processes and procedures, starting with learning the existing structures, how things should work together in harmony as well as making sure that you ask stakeholder questions such as ‘are you sure we need this?’, ‘ok, but why?’; ‘how about this?’ and ‘I would like to get this done so who do I talk to next?’.
Come to this session to hear examples of best practice and first-hand experiences of how to ensure the DAM plays a critical role for all users.