DAM Europe 2023

The Art and Practice of Managing Digital Media

* NEW FOR 2023: ‘Ask the Experts’ 

Bring your questions to the experts … in confidence! 

You have a specific DAM, metadata, content operations or digital transformation challenge which you would like to discuss - perhaps you would like some advice, perhaps just confirmation that you are on the right track.

This is YOUR opportunity to explore your very own DAM conundrum and to get some guidance to ensure you and your organisation reaches the DAM goals you’ve set; or you’d like to sound out your plans to make a digital transformation direction change. Or simply on how to get into a new DAM career path.

Book a session with one of the designated experts - a confidential, 15 minutes (maximum), one-to-one, chat. 

If you have registered for DAM Europe 2023 you'll shortly receive details on the Ask the Expert timetable and how to sign up for your one-to-one.

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Henry Stewart Conference Studies LLP is a limited liability partnership, registered in England, registration number OC334769 with its registered office at 40-41 Museum Street, London WC1A 1LT. Henry Stewart Events Ltd is a limited company, registered in England, registration number 06532399 with its registered office at 40-41 Museum Street, London WC1A 1LT. Henry Stewart Events, Inc. is a corporation incorporated in the State of Delaware, USA having a business office at PKF O’Connor Davies LLP, 665 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10022.
© Henry Stewart Conference Studies LLP or its affiliates.