Tom loves to build products that help leading publishers, agencies, and marketing teams solve complex content challenges. He holds a customer-centric approach to product management and is leading the product development teams behind WoodWing Assets and WoodWing Studio. Outside of work, Tom loves to spend time outdoors with his family or on a run to clear his head and come up with new product innovations.
What others say
HS events are one of the best learning opportunities available whether you are new to the DAM space or a seasoned professional trying to keep current.
HS DAM events has set the bar for virtual conferences! Live sessions, engaging polls and questions boxes, chats with attendees, and virtual contests for swag...I don't know how a virtual conference could be more awesome! I look forward to this conference every year and the team at HS never disappoints!
HS DAM events have been lifesavers this year when we could not attend in person. It has added many ideas and tools to my DAM toolbox.