DAM for Healthcare Day

For all professionals in Healthcare

Pricing & How to Register

Click here to book your place at DAM for Healthcare Day.

Pricing (per person):

  • Free for the first 250 End Users working in the Healthcare Industry *
  • $25 for End Users not working in Healthcare**
  • $450 for Solution Providers / Consultants***

*I work in the Healthcare Industry
This is the pass for all professionals working in the Healthcare Industry. Tickets are free for the first 250 End User registrations in this category.

**I am an End User who does not work in the Healthcare Industry
This is the pass for DAM professionals who do not work in the Healthcare Industry, but are attending the event simply to learn and network.

***I am a Solution Provider / Consultant
This is the pass for anyone who works for a solution or service provider, whose company offers their products/services to DAM professionals, whether they are attending to network or learn.


Do you have any questions, comments or suggestions? We would like to hear from you - please feel free to contact us:

Theo Echarte
E-Mail: theoe@henrystewart.co.uk


An Online Event