The rise of AI has launched new forms of misinformation and disinformation in the images, videos, and text we see and read every day in all our media channels. The search for the ‘truth’ is both real, and difficult, and affects us all as we consume all forms of information – both at work and at home.
As more and more content will be created by our brands, it will become harder and harder to manage that content – content that is the media assets, in our DAM systems and beyond.
This panel will tackle the issues of misinformation and disinformation through the standpoints of transparency, metadata, governance, information integrity, and AI and examine potential solutions – for application in the present and in the future.
HS DAM provided a network of like-minded passionate professionals that were so generous & honest with their front line experiences of working and creating in the DAM universe, Bravo.
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HSEvents is the hub of conversation for the DAM industry provoking great conversations and relationships that help support the critical work we all do preserving invaluable media collections.