DAM New York 2019

The Art and Practice of Managing Digital Media

T. Alex Blum

Founding Partner

Blum Consulting Partners

Alex founded Blum Consulting Partners to support marketers with optimization of marketing process and production innovation. For the past 10 years Alex has worked with Fortune 500 companies on enterprise level strategic initiatives, providing in-depth analysis, process re-design and implementing innovative process improvement. Throughout his 35-year career as a Production Company Owner, Industry Labor Negotiator, three- term AICP Chairman and Film Producer, (Behind Enemy Lines Fox 2001, Flight of the Phoenix, Fox 2004) Alex has amassed awards and honors for work produced from Cannes, The AICP Show, The One Show, The Sharks, The Andys, and The Clios. Alex has been honored with a Lifetime Achievement award from AICP and appeared as a Guest Lecturer at the Smithsonian. He has been profiled in Creativity Magazine, published in Ad Age and is frequently called upon as an advertising production industry expert. 

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