Design Operations Symposium 2023

Co-located with the Festival of Creative Operations, Creative Production Day and the Photo Studio Operations Forum

Alexandra Mengoni Leon

Design Operation Chapter Area Lead & Founder of Design Ops LATAM

Banco de Crédito BCP

Alexandra brings over 9 years of extensive experience spearheading digital, design, and technology initiatives across diverse teams, both locally and remotely. Beginning her career in digital project management, she swiftly transitioned into design leadership roles, serving as a DesignOps professional for over 5 years in corporate settings. Currently, she holds the position of Design Operation Manager at Banco de Crédito del Peru (BCP).

In August 2021, Alexandra founded the DesignOps Latam community, driven by a passion to elevate the practice's maturity across the region. Through this initiative, she collaborates with professionals from various countries, curates Spanish-language content, and facilitates the exchange of knowledge and experiences within the community.

Originally from Peru, Alexandra has had the privilege of living and working in several Latin American countries, including Colombia, Venezuela, and Mexico. Her diverse background and global perspective enrich her approach to design leadership and community building.

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