Corporate OnlineEd 2025

Implications of the digital revolution: the changing landscape of L&D

First Sessions Announced

We are busy developing an exciting agenda for Corporate OnlineEd 2025 so keep your eyes peeled for details. Register for the event and be the first to hear about announced sessions!

If you are interested in speaking at Corporate OnlineEd 2025, please contact Theo Echarte at

In the meantime, check out the first 6 sessions announced:


Selecting Technology to Deliver L&D: A Practical Guide

An exploration of the critical process of selecting the best available technology solutions for learning and development organizations.


  • Identifying the business needs that drive the search.
  • Evaluating the potential transformative impact of selected technologies.
  • Keeping a clear focus on the business case and avoiding distractions from "shiny" new technologies.
  • Undertaking due diligence, including researching vendors' reputations and stability; cost-effectiveness; and obtaining references to validate vendor claims, service levels, and implementation record.
  • Budget constraints and the potential to address multiple use cases with a single solution.

By following an appropriate, focused process, learning and development organizations can navigate the ever-expanding technology landscape and find the best available solutions to meet their business needs.

Adriene Russell, Executive Director of Centralized Training Operations, CVS Health

Purpose Drives Performance

This session will cover:

  1. Why Purpose matters and how it unleashes energy
  2. How Individual Purpose can drive Business Performance
  3. Unlocking performance, productivity and meaning via Purpose
  4. Case Study: Data on the difference employees with Purpose can make

Anser Aly, Head of Global Learning & Leadership Development Centre, Unilever

Strategies for Effective Learning Solutions
Bridging L&D and Marketing

In the ever-evolving landscape of Learning and Development (L&D), professionals always face new challenges. Beyond defining learning objectives and designing learning programs, they must now curate engaging, scalable, and measurable learning experiences. This session will draw on the marketing world and focus on insights and practical tips for creating effective learning experiences that drive organizational growth.


  • Marketing Funnel: How you can leverage L&D objectives and campaigns with the Marketing Funnel, optimizing engagement at every stage.
  • Customer-Centric Learning: Put learners at the center. Applying Marketing’s customer-centric approach to drive bespoke and impactful solutions.
  • User Experience (UX): The critical role of UX in learning success. Learning solutions and journeys with learners’ needs in mind.
  • SME Engagement: Borrow from Marketing’s playbook. Ask key questions to challenge Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) and enhance learning solutions.
  • Promotion and Activation: The importance of promoting learning initiatives. How to secure resources from the outset.

Caterina Bonfiglio, Global Learning & Development Director, Danone

Making it Count: Demonstrating Value in Online L&D

There is an increasing emphasis on the importance of L&D optimizing resources to do more with less, while simultaneously being challenged to show value.

To demonstrate value, it is necessary for L&D to align with business priorities and be held accountable through business performance.

By quantifying the impact of its work, L&D can position itself as a true business partner and be seen as an investment center (instead of a cost center).

Jaimie Krause, PhD, Director of Learning and Development, Indeed

Next-gen Digital Learning: Applying Deliberate Practice for Real-World Impact

Step beyond the confines of traditional eLearning and discover how the science of deliberate practice can transform your digital learning programs. This session will delve into innovative strategies, such as immersive simulation and AI coaching, that bring real-world application into your training, helping learners practice the skills they need to excel in their roles. Designed for forward-thinking learning professionals, you'll learn how to apply deliberate practice by selecting the right technologies, designing impactful learning experiences, and implementing programs that drive real change.

Lisa Christensen, Director of Learning Design and Innovation, McKinsey & Company

Get Stuck In
Sparking Engagement in Learning Without the Fluff

Ditch the dull and adopt real, hands-on ways to get learners properly engaged. Forget the jargon. Address the practical, no-nonsense strategies.

The objective: make learning livelier.

Tips that are easy to apply and hard to ignore.


  • Interactive Techniques: Simple ways to get everyone involved from the off.
  • Real-World Relevance: Making learning relatable by connecting it to everyday life.
  • Gamification: Adding a fun twist to learning with easy-to-use game elements.
  • Peer Collaboration: Encouraging teamwork and discussion to boost engagement.
  • Feedback Loops: Creating a two-way street where learners feel heard and valued.

Steve Thomas, Director of Learning and Organisational Development, Amnesty International

January 22, 2025

An Online One-Day Event