DAM Chicago 2019

The Art and Practice of Managing Digital Media

Taxonomy and Advanced Metadata for DAM

Monday September 23, 2.00 - 5.00 pm

This tutorial covers the fundamentals, strategies, standards, design methodology and best practices of developing taxonomies for your DAM and for your organization. It is based on best practices for establishing information structure, and managing and governing your digital assets. Led by a master practitioner, this tutorial will address how to manage and improve metadata schemas, establish content policies and digital asset governance using taxonomies and metadata and calculate a return on investment (ROI) for particular classes of users, digital assets, and media channels. All managers of DAM systems should consider this session essential to a career in DAM.

Tutorial content includes:

  1. Taxonomy Exercise
  2. Metadata Maturity Model
  3. Taxonomy Concepts and Terminology
  4. Taxonomy & Information Management
  5. Taxonomy Benefits
  6. Taxonomy & Search
  7. Taxonomy - Design Process (How To)
  8. Governance
  9. Taxonomy Best Practices


Tutorial Leader


John Horodyski is a Partner with Optimity Advisors with executive management strategy experience in Information Management including DAM, Metadata and Taxonomy design, Content Management, Information Governance, Rights Management, and Brand strategy. John has provided strategic direction and consulting for a variety of Fortune 100 and 500 clients from Consumer Packaging Goods, to Media & Entertainment, and the Pharmaceutical industry. John is also an Adjunct Faculty at San Jose State University where he teaches a graduate course in Digital Asset Management. In addition to regular training and public speaking on digital media and metadata, John is a Board Member / Metadata Editor of the Journal of Digital Media Management, and is a monthly DAM contributor to CMS Wire. John recently published in May 2016 his book, “Inform, Transform, Outperform: Digital Content Strategies to Optimize Your Business for Growth.” 



"These tutorials can really help us move from launch to a standard operating model"
Lisa Grimm, GSK

"The session was enormously helpful not just in terms of taxonomy and metadata but in regard to helping me think through the entire DAM acquisition process."
Angela Glass, Related Companies

"John did an amazing job of making the six hours of metadata and taxonomy fly by. Incredibly engaging."
Sara Sarow, Promega

"Demystified DAM & Taxonomy"
Jaime Taylor, Capstone Publishing

"Essential in building your DAM, young or old."
Frank DeCarlo, RPR Graphics

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