The growth of digital assets has been phenomenal and the pace of growth AND the importance of managing and monetizing those assets is increasing with each passing month. Over the past 18 years we’ve seen it all – from slow incremental change all the way to rapid, disruptive, revolutionary change. We’ve seen it, discussed it, explored its implications and presented opinions on what to do as a consequence.
DAM San Diego 2020 will be no different. As the West Coast's leading conference dedicated to Digital Asset Management, we provide a unique environment to exchange knowledge, experiences and build long lasting professional networks. We examine through real world case studies, interactive panels, workshops, roundtables and tutorials, the latest thinking and new developments in the world of DAM - all from the user’s perspective.
Few businesses remain untouched – from CPGs, media, leisure and retail, to healthcare, education, cultural heritage and government. Whether you are installing your first system, an early stage user or a mature practitioner determined not to overlook the most up-to-date innovations there is knowledge here and insights aplenty.
When you book for DAM San Diego 2020 you also...
As a Lone Arranger, HS DAM is the only place where I can talk shop with other DAM professionals, learn from them, and connect through shared experiences.
HS DAM events provide me with the opportunity to expand my field of work to deeper understanding that brings value to preparing for the future growth of my team.
Attending HS DAM San Diego let me network with people in similar job responsibilities in a wide variety of companies and institutions to share and glean best practices in DAM.