As a DAM Manager, are you finding that asset re-use is increasing and there are requests to use assets in new ways, for example in merchandising or promotions?
Are you struggling to figure out the rights to assets in your system?Then this series is for you.
This course will cover:
Common rights affecting all the different types of asset - from text to multi-media video
The secondary rights that may affect assets and restrict their use
How to evaluate your need for a rights clearance process - and to establish whether you can "do it in the DAM"
Sign up for this series and receive the following...
Four detailed sessions delving deeper into rights management
Teaching by leading Rights expert Margaret Majorack, Rights and Clearances Consultant, National Geographic
Sessions of 75 minutes each
Including 25 minutes to query Margaret on any challenges you are facing with your asset or DAM rights
A Certificate of Participation - evidencing your commitment to developing knowledge and skills
Unable to attend all sessions or joining partway through? Recordings will be available to all registrants
Margaret Majorack introduces the course
For a taste of what you can expect, check out this exclusive excerpt from Session 1
Is this the right course for you?
This series is for DAM Managers facing questions about using assets from elsewhere in their organization; DAM Managers whose DAM has third-party or not wholly-owned assets; DAM Managers in every growing business who see the role of DAM growing.