It's time to talk about the elephant in the IT server room: the environmental impact of your DAM system.
While you're no doubt familiar with the impacts of climate change, you may not be as familiar with the terms NetZero, carbon neutral, or sustainable computing.
Surely if your job is all about digital assets and you're often working from home - you shouldn't be concerned about how your DAM practices impact the climate - or should you? With people and software alike needing to adapt and prevent negative impacts to the planet, your role in DAM also requires you to be familiar with the impact you directly, and indirectly, contribute.
Better still: how can you make change for the greater good, while enhancing and modernizing your skills?
In this session, DAM industry veteran Theresa Regli shares recent research into the impact of enterprise DAM systems on the environment, and delves into approaches for running a sustainable DAM system and program for your organization.