
Closing Keynote: Building an Organization Semantic Mindset (anything less will deliver sub-optimal results)

October 23, 4:40PM

IF the objective is to align your organization’s information domains of products, customers, governance, and campaigns. THEN you must build a true semantic mindset throughout your organization.

‘SEMANTICS’ properly structured enables full and robust discovery, sharing, and analysis of information.

ADVANTAGES: organizations that develop a semantic mindset are best able to take advantage of the time, money and infrastructure invested in their data and realize the hopes they had for the benefits its capture would bring.

Fully aligning data semantics and organization objectives is essential to optimize decision making, knowledge management, analytics, and experiences. It is true for both customers and employees.

A discussion of how to build a successful semantic mindset by recognizing that success is about far more than ontologies and knowledge graphs. Strategy, resources, workflows, and implementation must all be aligned. Done well, organizations can address today’s problems and, just as important, create a solid foundation for growth and innovation.