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DAM Capability Model

In 2012, a group of DAM Industry leaders came together and created the now widely used DAM Maturity Model. Licensed under Creative Commons, and free for the global DAM community to use, the Maturity Model is designed to help organizations measure their DAM capabilities. It can be used by everyone to self-assess and see what's ahead as DAM takes root and evolves.  

The Maturity Model:

  • Works for all sectors - corporate, not-for-profit, museums and government
  • Can be used time and time again as the DAM application matures
  • Has been used by thousands of professionals worldwide
  • Has evolved over the past eight years to address changes in DAM capabilities

In this special session we unveil the updated and revised 2020 DAM Capability Model. Sponsored by the global vendor and corporate communities, this session will review "what's new" in the model itself - and why the name now emphasises "Capability” rather than "Maturity". The new DAM Capability Model will be made available for open and free worldwide use - through Creative Commons. Join the session and be part of this next-generation unveiling.


MediaVerse Information Management
Global Chair