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Your Assets Have Left the Building! Where Did They Go?

Once your assets are downloaded from the DAM do you know where they end up? With omnichannel distribution channels, e-commerce partner strategies and social media networks, your digital assets are intentionally delivered and published on many of your brand sites and well beyond, making them challenging to track. 

Is managing expiring content a nightmare? While many companies have a good grasp on internal governance, it remains difficult for them to find all published assets across the internet and social media and identify whether their digital content is still valid or expired.

In this webinar hosted by Gregg Guest from FADEL, you'll learn about best practices for managing asset rights, agreements, and expirations as they enter your organization and how to enforce them even after your content has left the building. Gregg will demonstrate how the FADEL software solution Content Eye can find published assets across the internet and social media to know what is still in play, identify those that are expiring to help you manage takedowns, report on digital content that is being used improperly, and respond to content claims. 

A link to the recording will be shared post-webinar with all registrants.


Vice President of Product Management
CEO EMEA & AsiaPac

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FADEL® is an innovator of digital rights management software for large brands and advertisers. FADEL’s solutions have empowered businesses to ensure copyright compliance, streamline ad production and maximize content ROI by automating talent and content rights management across videos, photos, ads, music, products and brands.