How to be a "Helicopter" Brand Manager: Keeping an eye on your Content Post-Distribution

Digital Assets have a long, meaningful lifespan that represents your brand and can reflect positively or negatively on it. Brand Managers are essentially responsible for "raising" them from creation and preparing them for the outside world. However, it is essential not to publish and forget. Once published into an omnichannel landscape, digital assets should still be monitored, evaluated, and acted on as needed.


Gregg Guest, Vice President of Product Management from FADEL, and Tom Sloan, Global Lead: Content Management & Logistics from ICP, will delve into key business drivers for tracking your assets post-distribution while out in the “real world”. In this webinar, you will learn how to take care of your assets once they "leave the nest," by employing content tracking strategies that can find the assets across brand, e-commerce, social, and partner websites, and protect them from a variety of threats such as:

•              Rights Expiration

•              Usage Violations

•              Issues with Talent

•              Rebranding

•              3rd party Infringement


Gregg and Tom will explore how these strategies ensure your content remains consistent, compliant and on brand, and can help identify opportunities by tracking performance and re-use.


A link to the recording will be shared post-webinar with all registrants.

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FADEL® is the innovator of brand compliance, rights management, and content tracking software. By automating talent and content rights management across videos, photos, ads, music, and products, and monitoring published content across brand and social websites, FADEL’s cloud-based solutions have empowered businesses to significantly maximize revenues and increase process efficiencies.

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