3-Part Online Briefing

The Future Shape and Structure of Primary Care Property

The implications for practice net revenue and viability

Investment in primary care has been solid. However, after the unprecedented event of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, what will investment be moving forward?

Primary care premises will have to change post-COVID-19 and adapt very quickly. 

What has been learnt from the way medical centres and patient experiences adapted to a new and challenging environment?  Many medical centres are: 

  • not fit for purpose,
  • not fit for the new way of consulting via digital media. 

What has been learnt raises many questions about how best to respond: 

  • How must the property be future-proofed in ways never seen before? 
  • How can Covid-like measures be implemented in some of the oldest practices? 
  • How can technology requirements be effectively introduced and sustained? 
  • What challenges might be faced due to adverse events such as the consequences of the attack on Ukraine?
  • What are the costs of doing what needs to be done? 

What is done or not done will impact rents, values and both the availability and cost of finance.

What affects primary care property impacts practice owners’ incomes.

This updated online series is designed for all medical practice owners and practice managers, investors, funders, primary care estate directors, financial and legal advisors to the primary healthcare sector, planners and agents. 

The series

  • No important area will be overlooked – all interpretation will be practical and relevant to real-world market conditions using illustrative examples
  • ​Sessions of 75 minutes each, including answers to questions from participants on the challenges they are facing and on the opportunities being created

Pricing and how to register

Fees for the 3-part course: £299 + VAT. NHS CCG members, GPs and Practice Managers: £149.50 + VAT per person. Click here to register.


Session 1: Understanding the service provider models and practice issues: implications for practice revenues, partnership structures and the incomes of equity partners
Session 2: Review of premises 
Session 3: Development and redevelopment opportunities and site values 

For a full breakdown of each session please click here.