
Paul Collins MSc FRICS FHEA

Lecturer: Property, Planning & Development | School of Architecture Design and the Built Environment

Nottingham Trent University

Paul is a Chartered Surveyor and holds an MSc in Urban Planning and is a fellow of the Higher Education Acadamy. He started his career with the Valuation Office in Northern Ireland but semi- retired lectures part-time at Nottingham Trent University (NTU) This followed past responsibilities as Associate Head of Surveying and Head of Architecture and Civil Engineering at NTU.

He was an elected member of the RICS Governing Council from 2018 to 2022. He has also served as chair of the RICS Planning and Development Board. In doing so he has contributed to a number of information papers and practice standards including for example, business led neighbourhood plans and the the measurement of land for planning and development purposes. He also writes and edits the Mainly for Students column in the EG (Estates Gazette).

Paul contributes on voluntary basis as a board member for three organisations:

  • Nottingham Energy Partnership which champions the retrofitting of property with regard to renewable energy and insulation practices,
  • GRO, the Green Roof Organisation which sets good practice standards in green roof design and construction and
  • Nottingham Civic Society that celebrates and campaigns for all matters heritage and conservation in Nottingham.

More generally he is a keen advocate of good urban design, cycle networks and the role of greenspace within urban areas, including the greater provision of pocket parks and allotments.