3-Part Online Briefing

Petrol Filling Stations - Now and the Future

Mark Lodge

Independent business consultant and tech start-up founder

Independent business consultant

An independent business and strategy consultant, following a successful career in corporate and commercial finance, although Mark’s first job (aged 16) was actually working on a forecourt! 

As Corporate Relationship Director and National Credit Policy Committee member for Lloyds Banking Group, he was responsible for the Forecourt Sector Appetite/ Policy and helped to increase the bank’s market share in the Forecourt Sector from circa 3%-4% in 2005 to circa 23%-24% by 2020. He was also instrumental in Shell moving its entire retailer network to Lloyds.

Mark has worked with almost every size of business from early stage/ micro enterprise to multinationals, and almost every sector from tech start-up to global agricultural machinery manufacture; but the forecourt sector has always drawn him back.

He continues to work with forecourt operators now, many of whom feature in the Top 50 Indies, although his current consulting roles include a European SaaS enterprise, a provincial motor dealership, and a Leadership Development company. 

He believes that very many management disciplines and lessons are applicable across many sectors, but that seeking to truly understand any business demands a rigorous understanding of its market.

Not a fan of Liverpool FC because of their current prowess under Jurgen Klopp, but because at the age of 5 he received a Liverpool kit for Christmas- so he has seen them both succeed and fair not so well over the decades.