
The Creative Ops Podcast Live

October 8, 12:30PM PDT

AI: The Meteoric Shift in Creative Operations - Evolve or Face Extinction

Will you be the Creative Operations professional that evolves?

When the meteor hit Earth, some evolved and many became extinct. A similar fate awaits the Creative Operations profession as AI emerges as a modern-day meteor. The extinction event didn’t happen overnight; it took years for the dinosaurs to vanish. Today, many underestimate AI because it is not yet “perfect.” However, as AI rapidly evolves, its impact will accelerate.

In this live recording of The Creative Ops Podcast, we debate the imminent threats and immense opportunities. A threat for Creative Operations professionals who operate in the project management weeds. An opportunity for those who already are or can evolve into systems thinkers. We’ll debate which parts of the Creative Operations role will be made extinct by current and emerging AI capabilities and highlight the paths to evolution and growth.

This discussion aims to challenge conventional and complacent thinking and inspire action.

What others say

HS Creative Operations events are not only insightful, but a great way to connect and network!

Alicia Jacolow
Saatchi & Saatchi

HS Creative Operations was a great chance to see people in person again, focus my attention on the presentations, and see how other agencies are tackling today's issues.

Dan Dove

The 2023 HS Creative Operations event in NYC provided me with the opportunity to make great connections with fellow Creative Operatives, to learn new processes, see new tools and create lasting relationships to help further my career!

Corey Pomkoski