27 - 28 June, 2024

DAM Europe 2024

The Art and Practice of Managing Digital Media

What others say

HS DAM events are a great way to connect with other global DAM users and innovators. Whether you are a DAM vendor or day to day user DAM Europe is a great networking opportunity to learn new things.

Heidi Hudson
The Kennel Club

HS DAM events provide me with the opportunity to network and get a flavour of products and plug ins being used and how people are integrating technology into their DAMs.

Matthew Percival
Historic Royal Palaces

HS DAM events are an invaluable opportunity to meet a wide range of DAM practitioners, futurologists, and deep specialists. You'll find parallels in industries you know and new concepts from industries you don't, that will make you question and improve your practice.

Steve Russell
The Royal Society
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Henry Stewart Conference Studies LLP is a limited liability partnership, registered in England, registration number OC334769 with its registered office at 40-41 Museum Street, London WC1A 1LT. Henry Stewart Events Ltd is a limited company, registered in England, registration number 06532399 with its registered office at 40-41 Museum Street, London WC1A 1LT. Henry Stewart Events, Inc. is a corporation incorporated in the State of Delaware, USA having a business office at PKF O’Connor Davies LLP, 665 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10022.
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