DAM for Healthcare Day

For all professionals in Healthcare


Amy Davis

DAM & Taxonomy Manager


Amy Davis has over 20 years of experience in Digital Communications, including managing intranet portals, digital signage programs, global content strategies, and retail communications, and is currently leading the DAM and Taxonomy team for Medtronic’s digital experiences. She began understanding asset management as Manager of Digital Communications for Harley-Davidson Motor Company where she led a company-wide initiative to overhaul the intranet and launch a new virtual integrated employee workspace, where asset management and governance became necessary objectives to define.

It wasn't until she joined Medtronic in 2017 when she truly understood the power of product ownership and began establishing a long-term vision and strategy for the DAM and ontology engine platforms her team owns, creating strategic initiatives to drive growth, governance, integrations, and user advocacy across the Company. In 2022, she successfully relaunched the DAM environment, creating a harmonized experience with enterprise-wide consistency of information architecture, workflows, user permissions, and metadata schemas to best manage not only the vast amount of assets created, but also to mitigate the risks that can come with healthcare technology legal and regulatory demands. Amy firmly believes that every initiative is only successful if you have a strong change management mindset. Without it, you will not get the buy-in and support you need to be successful.

What others say

Henry Stewart events are integral to the learning process as I finish my Master's in Library and Information Science. The added bonus of remote access allows those of us who cannot attend in person to take advantage of the industry world leaders HS events always bring. Thank you!

Jen Malone
Historical Society of Long Beach

I look forward to HS DAM events - I always learn something that I can take back to share or apply with our team!

Ann M Frank

HS DAM events provide the opportunity to learn what works and doesn't, what I should be focusing on in the future, and introduce areas I may have not thought to consider in how we're currently using our DAM and where we should be going.

Susan Weil-Kazzaz
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center