DAM for Healthcare Day

For all professionals in Healthcare


Katie Simpson

Director, Regulatory Promotional Operations

CoLab - Publicis Health Media

Katie’s stumble into digital media in the highly regulated healthcare space back in 2018, after years in the experiential marketing space, sparked a passion for leveraging technology in the industry. This led her to discover DAM and the community around Henry Stewart Events.
Managing DAM and Promotional Compliance Operations, for Medpage Today, while partnering with leading names in the pharmaceutical sector, required strategic vision and a dedication to excellence. This ensured the MedPage Team’s continued adherence to stringent federal regulation and resulted in stronger, more efficient workflows, and team collaboration.
Recently, Katie has taken a new position as Director of Regulatory Promotional Operations at CoLab, a Publicis Health Media Company. The new role will be a welcomed challenge and view into another side of the complex business of healthcare marketing.

What others say

Henry Stewart events are integral to the learning process as I finish my Master's in Library and Information Science. The added bonus of remote access allows those of us who cannot attend in person to take advantage of the industry world leaders HS events always bring. Thank you!

Jen Malone
Historical Society of Long Beach

I look forward to HS DAM events - I always learn something that I can take back to share or apply with our team!

Ann M Frank

HS DAM events provide the opportunity to learn what works and doesn't, what I should be focusing on in the future, and introduce areas I may have not thought to consider in how we're currently using our DAM and where we should be going.

Susan Weil-Kazzaz
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center