DAM Los Angeles 2023

The Art and Practice of Managing Digital Media

TechLab: The Power of a Cloud-Native and AI tool for Video Collaboration

March 24, 12:35 PM PDT
In this session, you get an introduction to the cloud-native PAM and MAM tool, Mimir.    Learn how Mimir is used to collaborate, share and use AI technologies, including ChatGPT, to automatically find objects and persons in your media assets, transcribe videos automatically, translate transcripts, and for other automatic metadata logging. Key learnings from this session include how to:
  • Access your media files and projects from a web browser
  • Edit from anywhere
  • Find segments of clips by searching combinations of spoken words, objects and persons, locations, and more
  • Connect your live sources
  • Select your favourite AI tools for automatic metadata logging
  • Translate transcripts from a wide selection of languages
  • Automatically create your subtitles from a video transcript
Software company Mjoll develops Mimir. The company is part of the technology group Fonn Group, headquartered in Bergen, Norway, and with an office in New York. 

What others say

Before attending a HS DAM event, I never knew the true impact or importance of DAM. For the first time it felt like I wasn't alone, but part of something so much greater. I left inspired and motivated to take what I had learned and apply it our DAM system. I look forward to the event every year! 

Nicole Fresolo

I have over 10 years of experiences as a DAM, and  I am always looking forward to the Festival of DAM or any other event organized by Henry Stewart. The conferences are always presented by experts of the matter. Anyone interested in DAM should attend.

Jair Hernandez Castillo

HS DAM provided a network of like-minded passionate professionals that were so generous & honest with their front line experiences of working and creating in the DAM universe, Bravo.

Cookie Marie Kurtz
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
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