The digital first economy has changed how content is discovered, consumed, and interacted with. New models for organization, content workflows, and emerging technologies need to be adopted to meet the demands of a digital-first customer engagement. The foundation of this is an effective content workflow that addresses the demand for more personalized content to fuel business growth in the months and years ahead.
Join us as we highlight a practical approach to building a content working models and listen to IBM discuss how metadata helped them transform their business and the way they engage with their clients:
HS DAM provided a network of like-minded passionate professionals that were so generous & honest with their front line experiences of working and creating in the DAM universe, Bravo.
Before attending a HS DAM event, I never knew the true impact or importance of DAM. For the first time it felt like I wasn't alone, but part of something so much greater. I left inspired and motivated to take what I had learned and apply it our DAM system. I look forward to the event every year!
The Henry Stewart DAM NY conference did not disappoint. The breadth of topics and experiences covered were amazing. I could have used three of me to cover all the sessions I was interested in attending!