
Tosha Brown

Design Lead and Operations Consultant


Tosha Brown is an experienced Design Lead and Operations Consultant who has 15 years of experience in Design and has consulted for IBM, Salesforce, and others. She is passionate about communicating the value of Design, blazing paths into the unknown for the good of her teams and helping people achieve more together. She currently is a digital nomad frequently connecting with colleagues and friends in cities all over the world but currently based in her home state of Ohio. Her favorite quote is “A brilliant solution to the wrong problem can be worse than no solution at all: solve the correct problem.”― Donald A. Norman, The Design of Everyday Things

What others say

The Design Operations New York 2023 conference was so rewarding! As a DesignOps "team of 1" practitioner, the opportunity to be among other humans who are in the field was so fulfilling. Also, what I learned in those 8 hours is immeasurable. 

Claudia Martinez

HS DesignOps events provided me with the opportunity to connect with similar minded professionals, who I can call friends! Sessions were engaging and provided me some valuable nuggets to take it forward and apply! 

Amit Tripathi

HS Design Operations events provide me with the opportunity to connect with other colleagues in the industry and share learnings to help each other strive to be the most efficient and supportive teams we can be.

Antonia Duffin