Design Operations Symposium 2022

Co-located with the Festival of Creative Ops and the Photo Studio Ops Forum
An Online Event
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DesignOps for DesignOps

September 27, 12:45PM EDT

As DesignOps practitioners we spend all our time trying to optimize and empower everyone else to do their best work. How do we apply DesignOps to our own work so we can empower ourselves, as individuals and teams, to build successful DesignOps functions, and make DesignOps benefits more accessible to teams of all sizes and resources – all while growing our own impact on the companies we serve?

This session aims to advance the DesignOps discipline by taking a step back and showing us how to look at our own work and goals, and apply the same amount of compassion to ourselves as we do our stakeholders and teams.


What others say

It was a great opportunity to connect with others in different industries that relate to the same niche function.

Veronnica Krizek

A wonderful virtual opportunity to engage and connect with like-minded peers on a variety of topics relevant to the ever-changing landscape of Creative Ops. I really enjoyed this event and look forward to more in the future!

Molly Gallagher

HS Creative Ops events are educational and FUN! The generosity of time and expertise of the vendors and presenters is invaluable in helping us grow our business!

Claire Donnison
Only1AndyWright Photography & Design
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