May - June, 2022

Diving into DAM: Exploring the ins and outs of maintaining DAM Systems

Sessions 1, 2 and 3 are now complete and the recordings are available to all participants. To join the course and catch up ahead of Session 4, click here.


Session 1: The Art of User Engagement: Different Strokes for Different Folks
If you build it, will they come? In this session, we’ll discuss strategies for user engagement throughout the DAM journey. Come away with ideas for engaging users before, during and after implementation, as well as how to measure system success.

Moderated by: Jennifer Pflaumer


Tina Gordon, Digital Asset Manager, Amazon Prime Video


Session 2: Keeping the Lights On: Best Practices for Ongoing Use and Maintenance 
Once your system is up and running, the work has just begun. This session will provide best practices for ongoing maintenance of your system, including governance and navigating changing business needs.

Moderated by: Jennifer Pflaumer


Marla Watson, Principal Digital Asset Manager, Creative Operations, Zillow Group


Session 3: Making Connections: Knowing When and How to Make Integrations Work 
Organizations frequently have multiple systems that have overlapping functionality, data, and assets with DAMS. In this session, we'll dive into the business side of integrations, what to consider when contemplating an integration and how to pull it off successfully.

Moderated by: Jennifer Pflaumer


Meredith Reese, Digital Asset Manager, Los Angeles Philharmonic


Session 4: Lessons Learned: What We Wish We Knew 
Wednesday June 1, 2022

It's not all roses when it comes to implementing and maintaining DAMS. Sometimes we choose the wrong systems, don’t get the user adoption we hoped for, or our governance isn't where we need it to be. In this session, practitioners who have been there will share their stories from the trenches so you can learn from their experiences.

Moderated by: Jennifer Pflaumer


Jennifer Anna, Photo & Digital Asset Manager, World Wildlife Fund

Gregory Crowe, Digital Asset Program Manager, Carmax

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