DAM Europe 2019

The Art and Practice of Managing Digital Media

Georgina Grozier

System & Content Development Manager

Kingfisher PLC

As the parent company of some of the biggest retail brands in the DIY market, Kingfisher’s ambition is to become the leading home improvement company in Europe. To deliver this objective, the company launched the ‘Powered by Kingfisher’ strategy in June 2020. The work being undertaken to drive this ambitious goal forwards, includes an innovative group-wide digital content programme. This involves migrating and holding all digital content assets into one asset management system. The rollout and successful implementation of DAM across the Kingfisher group is managed by Georgina. 

In her role, Georgina builds the business processes associated with successful digital asset management and oversees the migration of assets from 7 of Kingfisher’s banners into the group ContentHub DAM to create one central hub of content. This work delivers significant cost efficiencies for the business by supporting a content strategy that seeks to optimise content production and usage. Prior to her work at group, Georgina spent 5 years managing content within the ecommerce team at one of the businesses largest banners, B&Q.  

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