Heritage Collections Management 2022 has now ended. Thank you to all attendees, speakers, sponsors and partners who made this year’s event a true celebration of all things collections management. To view our upcoming events, please click here.
Heritage Collections Management 2022 is dedicated to exploring the Galleries, Libraries, Archives, and Museums (GLAM) technology landscape and the evolving strategy around collections management. The event is designed to provide strategic and tactical advice that empowers GLAM professionals to enrich their collections information, celebrate the benefits of collections digitization and share collections with a global audience.
Join us for this new online event to learn and connect with members of your community who share a common interest in the development of collections management in GLAMs. Hear from an array of speakers from the end-user to vendors and consultants on their experiences with collections management systems, some of the challenges and successes that they have faced and their predictions and strategies for the future.
We will address key topics such as • metadata • data standardization • integrating with DAM and other systems • implementing a new system • adopting decolonizing or DEAI practices • making the business case for a new CMS • user adoption • making collections accessible online • digitizing collections for public engagement • the role of collections in a museum’s technology ecosystem • looking forward to the future of collections
Who should attend?
Museum Professionals; Collections Managers; Registrars; Curators; Digital Asset Managers; Archivists and Archive Officers/Managers; Librarians; Conservators; Information Managers; Head of Exhibitions; Art Historians; Exhibition and Production Managers; Digital Initiatives Coordinators and Digital Content Managers
Registration includes:
This event is co-located with DAM and Museums 2022.