DAM projects can fail for a variety of reasons, but nothing is more frustrating than a project doomed to fail from the outset because you chose the wrong DAM for your enterprise’s needs. In this series, we’ll explore what is wrong with the traditional way of selecting DAM technology that often leads to bad choices. And we’ll introduce a new, better way based on proven design thinking methodologies that will increase your chances of making the right choice.
This course is designed for everyone in the market for new DAM technology.
If you're not so new to DAM, the system and vendor that was right for you four years ago may not be the right one now, or for your future
You can check out the full course summary here.
Sessions 1-3 are now complete. To join the course and catch up ahead of Session 4, click here.
Session 1: The Wrong Way to Select Technology
Session 2: A Better Way to Find the Right DAM - Part 1
Session 3: A Better Way to Find the Right DAM - Part 2
Upcoming live sessions:
October 6, 2020 - Session 4: DAM's Role in an Omnichannel World