Sessions 1-3 are now complete. To join the course and catch up ahead of Session 4, click here.
Session 1: The Wrong Way to Select Technology
In this session, we’ll explore what is wrong with traditional methods for selecting DAM technology. Get a list of what not to do so you can save time, money, and a whole bunch of headaches.
Session 2: A Better Way to Find the Right DAM - Part 1
In this session, we’ll give strategies for building the right business case, the right selection team, and the right user stories that capture your needs and serve as the critical test cases throughout the selection process.
Session 3: A Better Way to Find the Right DAM - Part 2
In this session, we’ll undertake an intensive examination of the current Digital Asset Management marketplace so you can develop the right shortlist. Then we’ll show you how to test these shortlisted vendors through RFPs that actually work, useful demo weeks, and competitive proof-of-concepts, so you can make a confident final decision.
Session 4: DAM's Role in an Omnichannel World
Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Finally, we’ll look at how DAM needs are evolving and becoming more sophisticated as enterprise digital leaders seek greater re-use and customization at the customer delivery tier. See how leading enterprises are decoupling data, content and experience capabilities for greater flexibility, and understand what this means for the future of your DAM technology choices.