Registration includes access to all three sessions to view live and on-demand.
Session 1, 2 and 3 are now complete and the recordings are available to all participants.
Session 1: Preserving Long-Term Digital Assets
Moderated by: Theresa Regli
Michael Bullington, Senior Archives Manager, McDonald's Corporation
Michael Hope, VP Global Marketing Strategy, Preservica
Session 2: Standards and Approaches for Digital Preservation
Moderated by: Theresa Regli
Euan Cochrane, Digital Preservation Manager, Yale University Library
Michael Hope, VP Global Marketing Strategy, Preservica
David Kay, CEO and Senior Consultant, Digital Archivy, Inc.
Session 3: Building a Strategy for Preserving Long-Term Digital Assets
Moderated by: Theresa Regli
Anne Archer, Head of Heritage and Archives, BT
Karen Sampson, Head of Digital Archives & Museum, Lloyds Banking Group
Nathan Voogt, Commercial Director, Preservica