Lead Sponsor
ORBITVU set off on their product photography adventure, just when the birth of digital photography and e-commerce created new needs and exciting possibilities to showcase products online. Digital content production creates the need for consistent, high-quality images produced in a short time and at a reasonable cost. ORBITVU takes the best from traditional photography and combines it with advanced software and hardware innovations to manufacture integrated automated image capture systems. ORBITVU is the global leader in the automated product photography market and provides customers with the most advanced solutions; designed and manufactured - 100% in-house!
Support Sponsor
SpinMe develops workflow solutions to some of the world’s most recognised names. With a global presence, SpinMe has expanded rapidly to serve and support clients worldwide. Our focus is simplifying digital asset production workflow to enable functions across the entire business to work together concurrently.
Support Sponsor
Mubytech is a leading image-editing, video editing & catalogue managing company, with have served 40+ global clients, since 2 decades, setting high standards in the global market. We have edited over 20 million images and saved $50 millions+ for our clients. Experience the difference in quality of services with Mubytech.
There are a number of opportunities for your company to get in front of our community. For further information, please contact Nicole Dixon by email at NicoleD@henrystewart.co.uk.