
Taxonomy Implementation Today: Case Studies from PayPal

October 23, 11:50 AM

Understanding the context:

The goals of developing and deploying a taxonomy include:

  • Organizing information
  • Improving search and navigation
  • Standardizing terminology
  • Enabling personalization
  • Bridging gaps between content silos

The real-life journey from identifying the need for a taxonomy to successfully implementing it is rarely straightforward. The obstacles are many, and include:

  • Delays
  • Shifting priorities
  • Changing resources
  • A lack of understanding of what taxonomy does and why it’s valuable

Knowledge workers also face pressure to integrate increasingly ubiquitous generative AI solutions while discussion often oscillates between extreme views of ‘a transformative panacea capable of delivering customer-ready content’ and ‘a risky technology fraught with hallucinations and copyright concerns’. Taxonomists must:

  • Explain why taxonomy creation cannot be entirely automated by generative AI
  • Find ways to integrate generative AI into taxonomy development
  • Explore how to use the structure and semantic context of taxonomy to enrich generative AI-powered solutions

Challenges for taxonomists:

  • How to secure buy-in amidst unanticipated events such as staff turnover or resource reallocation
  • What to do when confronted with competing vocabularies
  • How to know when to be flexible, and when to stand firm
  • Taxonomy development and implementation in the real-world
  • Balancing best practices with the realities that taxonomists are likely to encounter when working across teams and amidst shifting priorities

Some answers: 

  • How to navigate the journey from early taxonomy development to implementation while overcoming/avoiding the obstacles 
  • How to ensure stakeholder engagement and SME support along the way by illustrative storytelling and celebrating incremental wins
  • How to reap the benefits and mitigate the shortcomings of leveraging generative AI

All with practical examples and illustrative case studies that map our failures and successes