After Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) became education headlines in 2012, critiques quickly followed when learners did not complete the free online courses for certificates at similar proportions as students did in paid, for-credit courses on university campuses or even online. The assumption that the two scenarios would produce similar completion rates ignored the external motivation factors absent when taking a MOOC, a learning experience that requires self-regulated learning, especially intrinsic motivation. Not surprisingly, when students had to switch to remote learning from classrooms during 2020 and exasperated by the challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, they struggled to stay engaged.
This challenge to engage students in learning continues today, requiring even more creative efforts from instructors in open online courses.
This session will cover:
- Factors that drive self-regulated learning
- Why revision and change are necessary when instructors struggle to reach students
- Strategies for engaging students for learning with today’s distractions