Henry Stewart online ed

About the Henry Stewart Group

The Henry Stewart Group (HSG) has been a leader in providing graduate and continuing professional education in science, business and management for over 40 years through peer reviewed vocational journals, conferences and online education for commercial enterprises, business schools, medical schools, universities, non-profit and government.

Henry Stewart Talks Ltd is a leading provider of specially prepared, animated, online, audio-visual lectures, seminar-style talks and case studies for medical schools, business schools universities and commercial enterprises in over 60 countries around the world.

Henry Stewart Conference Studies, Henry Stewart Events Ltd and Henry Stewart Events Inc. deliver continuing professional education courses, webinars, events and exhibitions, online and in-person in the USA, Australia and UK.  

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The leading producer of global events on online learning
40-41 Museum Street
T: +44 (0) 207 092 3494

Henry Stewart Conference Studies LLP is a limited liability partnership, registered in England, registration number OC334769 with its registered office at 40-41 Museum Street, London WC1A 1LT. Henry Stewart Events Ltd is a limited company, registered in England, registration number 06532399 with its registered office at 40-41 Museum Street, London WC1A 1LT. Henry Stewart Events, Inc. is a corporation incorporated in the State of Delaware, USA having a business office at PKF O’Connor Davies LLP, 665 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10022.
© Henry Stewart Conference Studies LLP or its affiliates.