Pre-purchase due diligence
This session considers a site from the prospective of a purchaser / investor looking to purchase a site. It explores what due diligence is required, what red flags to look out for, and what sources of information should be used to gather as much information about the site as possible to make an informed decision whether to purchase, and what bid to make.
Sarah Fitzpatrick, Partner, Barrister and Head of Planning, Norton Rose Fulbright
Hannah Leary, Planning Director, Barton Willmore
Considering the Development Plan
This session considers the development plan, this is the document that is principally responsible for guiding new development on a site. This session reviews:
Hannah Leary, Planning Director, Barton Willmore
The context of a site
This session explains why it is important to consider not only the site itself, but also its immediate and wider context when considering what development would be permitted. This session considers:
Sarah Fitzpatrick, Partner, Barrister and Head of Planning, Norton Rose Fulbright
Hannah Leary, Planning Director, Barton Willmore
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Infrastructure Provision
This session considers the importance of infrastructure capacity in guiding new developments, and sources of funding:
Sarah Fitzpatrick, Partner, Barrister and Head of Planning, Norton Rose Fulbright
Carina Wentzel, Senior Associates, Norton Rose Fulbright
The value of precedents
This session considers the value of precedents, and sources of information.
Hannah Leary, Planning Director, Barton Willmore
Carina Wentzel, Senior Associates, Norton Rose Fulbright
The fall-back position
This session looks at what the fall-back position is if consent cannot be secured for the preferred development:
Hannah Leary, Planning Director, Barton Willmore
Sarah Fitzpatrick, Partner, Barrister and Head of Planning, Norton Rose Fulbright
Development constraints reporting
Juliette Kelly, Senior Associates, Norton Rose Fulbright
Section 106 obligations
Sarah Fitzpatrick, Partner, Barrister and Head of Planning, Norton Rose Fulbright
Carina Wentzel, Senior Associates, Norton Rose Fulbright
Architectural input
Vaughan Anderson, Urban Design Director, Barton Willmore
An initial view on development viability
Alexander Vaughn-Jones, Development Viability Consultant and Partner at Gerald Eve
Pre-application engagement
Hannah Leary, Planning Director, Barton Willmore