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On-demand online courses by leading property experts

Property Development Appraisals

An on-demand course presented by Simon Wainwright, Managing Director, JPW Real Estate. Covering commercial, residential, and mixed-use property development.

Advancing from initial 'back of an envelope' calculations to viability studies with sensitivity analysis and detailed cash flows, taking full account of market conditions.

The course covers Residual Valuations, Development Appraisal and Diminution in Value arising from restrictions on development e.g.: Rights of Light. It progresses from simple to highly complex examples, starting from first principles to ensure a better understanding of the questions to ask, the information and data required, where to obtain it and the right ways to evaluate the answers.

The course is suitable for developers, project managers, financiers, lenders, advisers, agents, consultants, lawyers, landowners and public sector bodies concerned with or contemplating the appraisal of development land and buildings.

The series

  • No important area will be overlooked – all interpretation will be practical and relevant to real-world market conditions using illustrative examples

Pricing and how to register

Fees for the 4-part course: £299 + VAT. Click here to register.


Session 1: An Introduction to Development Appraisal
Session 2: Appraisal Methodology & Sensitivity Analysis
Session 3: Project Refinement, Ground Rent Derivation, Inflation & Growth 
Session 4: Cash Flow & Appraisal Software

For a full breakdown of each session please click here.