Property Development Appraisals
About the Series
An on-demand series of briefings presented by Simon Wainwright, Managing Director, JPW Real Estate. This on-demand course covers commercial, residential, and mixed-use property developments. It advances from initial 'back of an envelope' calculations to viability studies with sensitivity analysis and detailed cash flows, taking full account of current market conditions. Progressing from simple to sophisticated examples, the course goes back to first principles to aid a better understanding of what questions to ask and how to interpret results.
Sign up for this course and by the end of the series you will:
- Understand the terminology and difference between development appraisals and residual valuations – full glossary of terms provided
- Appreciate the importance of undertaking sensitivity analysis
- Be competent enough to understand the various measures of profitability and viability
- Be aware that small changes to certain inputs can make a large difference to the outputs
- Have guidance on how to interpret development appraisals, residual valuations, feasibility, and viability studies prepared by others
- Know where to go for further advice with a comprehensive reading list and online resource hub provided
- Receive useful tips to assist you in creating your own appraisal model from first principles with the free spreadsheet template and detailed checklist of cost inputs provided
No important area is overlooked and there are several worked examples and a detailed review of available software including the use of Excel.
Pricing and how to register
Fees for the 4-part course: £299 + VAT. Click here to register.
Who is this course for?
The course is of great benefit to developers, project managers, financiers, lenders, advisers, agents, consultants, lawyers, landowners and public sector bodies concerned with or contemplating the appraisal of development land and buildings.
For a full breakdown of each session please click here.
Session 1: An Introduction to Development Appraisal
Session 2: Appraisal Methodology & Sensitivity Analysis
Session 3: Project Refinement, Ground Rent Derivation, Inflation & Growth
Session 4: Cash Flow & Appraisal Software