The ability to classify underlies all knowledge management
DAMs and other enterprise systems built on metadata rely on Taxonomies to identify, find and group assets so you can put them to work. A DAM manager needs to know how to select, build and govern Taxonomies that will work best for you.
Join our subject matter experts as they lay out best practices for taxonomies and DAM in four quick-fire presentations followed by an extended discussion with attendees.
Laying the Foundations
Taxonomy may be the heart of DAM, but what is at the heart of Taxonomy?
The challenge: What do we need to talk about when we talk about Taxonomy?
Tip: Keep your structures, values and rules in line with the organization’s needs.
Getting Started
Taxonomy makes your DAM sing! Once your taxonomy goals have been identified, it’s time to begin taxonomy development. But what taxonomy notes do you need to hit? Reaching for the right types and configurations of taxonomic terms is key for creating successful and harmonic taxonomies.
The challenge: To use common terminology when developing taxonomies.
Tip: Be practical and don’t overreach.
Doing Your Research
Traditional user research techniques like interviews, card sorts and data analysis can be used to come up with fields and values for a DAM taxonomy.
The challenge: How do I balance subjectivity with concrete data?
Tip: Research can generate and validate potential topics for your taxonomy.
Governance and Alignment
A taxonomy needs to be maintained and updated. Furthermore, a taxonomy is not confined to a single DAM, but needs to relate to other taxonomies across the enterprise.
The challenge: Success involves taxonomy governance, alignment, and linking that promotes consistency and facilitates the search for assets and information across different systems.
Tip: Shared understanding amongst participants is the mother of agreement.
HS DAM provided a network of like-minded passionate professionals that were so generous & honest with their front line experiences of working and creating in the DAM universe, Bravo.
Before attending a HS DAM event, I never knew the true impact or importance of DAM. For the first time it felt like I wasn't alone, but part of something so much greater. I left inspired and motivated to take what I had learned and apply it our DAM system. I look forward to the event every year!
The Henry Stewart DAM NY conference did not disappoint. The breadth of topics and experiences covered were amazing. I could have used three of me to cover all the sessions I was interested in attending!