April 14 - 15, 2020

DAM New York 2020

The Art and Practice of Managing Digital Media

Applying Design Thinking to DAM Business Requirements

Thursday April 16, 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm

Design thinking: a creative problem-solving process centered on meeting the needs of the humans interacting with the technology that they are using to address business objectives.

Design thinking for DAM: the application of the principles, practices and designer’s toolkit to the gathering of DAM business needs such as 1) Gathering requirements 2) Designing user profiles and journeys and 3) Capturing metadata fields and values.

  This half-day tutorial covers:
  • An introduction to design thinking as an approach to solving business problems.
  • The benefits of using design thinking to generate creative solutions to business problems - fast and at low-cost.
  • Processes, resources, and frameworks of the creative designer - how those are applied in a business and technology environment.
  • Easy, and enjoyable frameworks of implementation to DAM-related activities that will support stakeholder involvement, consensus-building, and future state design – with explanations of how each can drive toward a successful implementation outcome.
  • Designer toolkit activities reviewed include:
- Rapid ideation
- Card sorting
- Dot-voting
- User personas 
- Journey maps
- Rapid prototyping  
  • Wrapping-up with:
A hands-on workshop experience showing how these toolkit activities apply to DAM use cases.  
  • A tutorial for:
Everyone trying to build a business case with requirements for DAM who needs to elicit information from their stakeholders. (Participants should have an intermediate understanding of the practice of digital asset management and knowledge of some common use cases that might drive a company to implement a DAM system.)  

Tutorial Leader


Mindy Carner - Taxonomy and Metadata Specialist

Mindy Carner is an independent consultant offering services building metadata schemas, taxonomies, knowledge graphs and data flows for a variety of information systems. She has a master’s degree in Library and Information Science, and nearly ten years of experience creating, deploying, managing and governing metadata and taxonomy strategies for national and international organizations across industries. Mindy supports her clients on information system deployments by leading discovery, performing content assessment, and developing a metadata and taxonomy strategy, as well as supporting vendor selection, implementation management and deployment, change management strategy and governance planning. Mindy is a thought leader in the field of information management, providing in-depth introductory and advanced workshops, webinars, papers and talks on various matters relating to metadata, taxonomy, information governance, and search.

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