DAM New York is the place for inspiring keynotes, shared experiences and learnings from leading DAM experts. The current global health challenge has affected us all. Nevertheless we are resilient and here to help. Across the postponed DAM NY dates, April 14 – 16, we will be sharing new content designed to invigorate and inspire you, online, for free!
Get on-demand access to the following sessions, packed with contributions from industry leaders Theresa Regli, John Horodyski, Kevin Brucato and David Lipsey, along with experts at National Geographic, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Cineplex, and more.
And it’s all additional to what will be presented at the live event when the DAM NY community gathers again.
To register for two days of DAM Online Content click here.
To register for Creative Operations Online Content click here.
9:30 - 10:00 AM EDT - DAM 101: What you Need to Start your DAM - John Horodyski, Optimity Advisors
10:30 - 11:00 AM EDT - Reframing the Conversation - Innovations in DAM, Collections Information, and Data at the Detroit Institute of Arts - Christina Gibbs, Detroit Institute of Arts, Jessica Herczeg-Konecny, Detroit Institute of Arts
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM EDT - How Our DAM Helps Us Tell Our Story - Dario Mescia, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
12:30 - 1:00 PM EDT - Metadata Governance - John Horodyski, Optimity Advisors, Lisa Grimm, Novartis
To register for two days of DAM Online Content click here.
9:30 - 10:00 AM EDT - DAM Technology and its Enterprise Touch Points - Theresa Regli, DAM Industry Strategist, Analyst and Author
10:30 - 11:00 AM EDT - Getting to a Rights Strategy for your Content - Margaret Majorack, National Geographic
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM EDT - Manage your Video Assets from Production to Distribution - Neal Bilow, Chromata Solutions
12:30 - 1:00 PM EDT - DAM Capability Model - David Lipsey, DAM Conference Chair, Lauren Dohr, MediaVerse Information Management
To register for two days of DAM Online Content click here.
9:30 - 9:45 AM EDT - How Creative Operations is the key to Transforming how Modern Work gets Done - Kevin Brucato, Prudential
9:45 - 10:15 AM EDT - The Changing Landscape of the In-House Agency - Sophy Regelous, Cella
10:45 - 11:15 AM EDT - Freeing up Creative Talent through Standardization and Technology - Elisabeth Knulst, EMM Consultancy
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM EDT - Spilling the Popcorn - How to Manage the Growth of your In-House Agency - Mike Lucas, Cineplex
To register for Creative Operations Online Content click here.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
9:30 - 10:00 AM EDT - DAM 101: What you Need to Start your DAM - John Horodyski, Optimity Advisors
The decision to implement a DAM system is the right step in the right direction to gain operational and intellectual control of your digital assets and is to be taken very seriously. DAM bestows great responsibility for how the organization’s assets will be managed efficiently and effectively in its daily operations and is essential for growth. All successful DAM implementations require more than just new technology. Success requires a firm digital strategy foundation that begins with the business, and then extends to the technology.
This engaging session will outline what you need to start your DAM from the business case onwards, to selecting the right team, to business goals, and to the foundations of DAM: Content, Metadata, Taxonomy, Workflow, Rights Management, Digital Preservation, UX/UI, and Governance.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
10:30 AM - 11:00 PM EDT - Reframing the Conversation - Innovations in DAM, Collections Information, and Data at the Detroit Institute of Arts - Christina Gibbs, Detroit Institute of Arts, Jessica Herczeg-Konecny, Detroit Institute of Arts
Museums need to publish and widely share their data sets and images to remain relevant in today’s digital age. What does it take to provide the widest possible access to digital collections? This case study will reveal insights into the need for interoperability between Collections Information Systems, DAM, and the greater semantic web. Christina and Jessica will address challenges, risk analysis, and outcomes as they facilitate building a bigger and stronger foundation through implementing a new DAM system as well as an API.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM EDT - How Our DAM Helps Us Tell Our Story - Dario Mescia, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Healthcare is relatively new to the world of DAM and the use case is a bit unique. In this session you will hear how one of the largest children’s hospitals in the world is using their DAM and the challenges they faced during the process of search and implementation. We’ll dive into what makes their use case unique and hear what their long term vision is for the future of their DAM:
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
12:30 - 1:00 PM EDT - Metadata Governance - John Horodyski, Optimity Advisors, Lisa Grimm, Novartis
Whether to address ‘governance’ is no longer an option. You need good governance to manage risk and sustain the ongoing value of your business. Good governance provides the framework that ensures program goals are met. Applying an effective layer of metadata governance is the best way to ensure plans for change in the DAM system deliver the intended outcome.
However, there is more to maintaining the metadata than just maintaining the taxonomy and the specification. Change must be actively managed and for that good governance is essential.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
9:30 - 10:00 AM EDT - DAM Technology and its Enterprise Touch Points - Theresa Regli, DAM Industry Strategist, Analyst and Author
In this session we’ll explore expanding DAM outside of its silo, and integrating it with other enterprise systems. We’ll address questions such as: where does DAM fit in the enterprise, and what systems does it typically connect to in different sorts of organizations? What are the business drivers for those integrations? What is data orchestration, and why is it important for connecting DAM to the enterprise?
If you’re looking to expand the scope of DAM in your organization, this is the session for you.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
10:30 - 11:00 AM EDT - Getting to a Rights Strategy for your Content - Margaret Majorack, National Geographic
As the demand for content expands and platforms on which content can be consumed proliferate, it is essential for organizations to know not only what content they have, but how it can be used. Organizations need to review the rights they obtain for content going forward, how to evaluate content already in the DAM for re-use, and whether they have a deep-dive need for rights tracking.
This session will help you look at your asset rights strategy in a practical way:
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM EDT - Manage your Video Assets from Production to Distribution - Neal Bilow, Chromata Solutions
Whether it be advertising, brand engagement on social platforms, training, do-it-yourself or internal corporate messages, we have all seen the studies that show video truly wins the crown for engagement. Of course, with the crown comes the order of magnitude complexity of managing these assets while continually facing the need to produce them faster, make more and more of them, in higher and higher quality, in a multitude of formats and versions for an exponential number of outlets.... oh, and don't forget we need to store it all for archive and reuse and the metadata need to keep up at every step.
In this session, we will review the “Rise of the Corporate Studio" and the adventure that is production, management, and distribution of video assets. We will also explore the challenges that come with time-based media vs images and the pitfalls to avoid along the way.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
12:30 - 1:00 PM EDT - DAM Capability Model - David Lipsey, DAM Conference Chair, Lauren Dohr, MediaVerse Information Management
In 2012, a group of DAM Industry leaders came together and created the now widely used DAM Maturity Model. Licensed under Creative Commons, and free for the global DAM community to use, the Maturity Model is designed to help organizations measure their DAM capabilities. It can be used by everyone to self-assess and see what's ahead as DAM takes root and evolves.
The Maturity Model:
Thursday, April 16, 2020
9:30 - 9:45 AM EDT - How Creative Operations is the key to Transforming how Modern Work gets Done - Kevin Brucato, Prudential
In this session, Kevin Brucato, VP Creative Operations at Prudential, looks at where we are headed next and what a next-generation, future-ready creative operations model look like.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
9:45 - 10:15 AM EDT - The Changing Landscape of the In-House Agency - Sophy Regelous, Cella
Creative used to be about inspiration, creation and job jackets, but now we have new roles, new technologies and new deliverables with interesting timeline expectations. In this presentation, we will take a look at how that impacts the org model and the process used to get work done.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
10:45 - 11:15 AM EDT - Freeing up Creative Talent through Standardization and Technology - Elisabeth Knulst, EMM Consultancy
A common perception is that optimised marketing operations will reduce creative freedom. Data driven marketing, standardising processes, producing materials via templates and implementation of technology in the creation processes are things that do not sound like they enhance creativity. However, by eliminating operational issues, standardising the way of working, providing challenging insights and automating mundane and administrative tasks, creatives have more time and budget available to realise their creative ambitions.
In this session we will explore the benefits of standardised creative operations, how data and technology can boost creativity and the additional opportunities that result. By discussing the Pandora case-study, the speaker shows how creatives can have more creative freedom, how the focus from operational issues can be shifted toward creative opportunities, and how, in total, it enables creatives to fully apply their talent and skills.
Thursday, April 16, 2020
11:45 AM - 12:15 PM EDT - Spilling the Popcorn - How to Manage the Growth of your In-House Agency - Mike Lucas, Cineplex
Cineplex's theatres and location-based entertainment venues see over 70 million guests through their doors annually across Canada. With so many guests and business needs, the demands of the Creative Services team are ever-changing, with just about as many plot twists as the latest Hollywood blockbuster.
Join Cineplex’s Design Director as he examines:
To register for two days of DAM Online Content click here.
To register for Creative Operations Online Content click here.