2-part Online Briefing

Mastering Development Finance

The Foundations of Underwriting & The Credit Skills Required

“Understanding when, why and how a lender will lend is the key to successful borrowing”
“Knowing how to identify, evaluate and price risk are essential skills in successful lending”

This course will equip participants with an understanding of how decisions are made in development finance transactions. Essential for:

  • Lenders
  • Borrowers
  • Brokers
  • Advisors
  • Agents
  • Lawyers

The course starts with an explanation of the basic terminology and ratios and progresses through all the key components of ‘the deal’ and ‘the loan’ in development finance transactions.

Covering potential pitfalls, common misconceptions and traps.

For brokers and developers, the course covers ‘how to present a deal to achieve the optimal chances of success’.

The course includes real life examples, practical tools and exercises that enable participants to implement their newly acquired knowledge, immediately.

This course is for lenders, business development managers (BDMs), originators, credit managers and underwriters in the UK development finance arena, their agents and advisors.

Online CPD with the HS Property Hub

  • No important area will be overlooked – all interpretation practical and relevant to real-world market conditions using illustrative examples. 
  • A ​270-minute recorded online course fielding participants queries on the challenges they are facing and latest best practice. 

Pricing and How to Register

Fees for the course: £299 + VAT. Click here to book your place.

Course Overview

Session 1 - The Foundations
Session 2 - Underwriting

To view the full course summary click here.